'tightrope' (work in progress)
© Hew

I normally work through a process of elimination i.e. carving. So it's refreshing but difficult for me to work with the process of addition.
I love the feel and look of metal but find it difficult to work with.
L and I usually visit our local recycling station once a week; it's a great place for inspiration and cheap materials. On this one occaion she found these very unusual cast iron pulleys. The cast iron shoes are childrens' shoe lasts, which I'd purchased from a secondhand shop months before- the tongues were missing so I carved stone replacements.; which work to their advantage as they have now become two tone shoes. All these materials are heavy by nature, so to lighten the work up 'visually', I've chosen to suspend them.
To me, this piece is reminiscent of a circus performance -like tightrope walking ; which is a contradiction because you need to be agile and lightweight to perform the task.
I'm not sure how this piece will resolve itself. For now, it's hanging above my desk.
PS the shoes are 15cm long.